

  • Supported the ongoing construction of eight classroom building with two halls, two administrative office spaces, toilet and water facilities. This project is located at Kendeyella, Tinkonko Chiefdom, Bo district, Southern Province. This construction project is ongoing,

  • Facilitated the Catch-up System for slow learners as a way to support the policy on “No One Left Behind”. To achieve this ACDE-SL introduced after-school classes which targeted slow learners to catch-up with their counterparts regarded as high flyers. The approach covered the core subjects which include Mathematics, Language Arts, Social Studies and Integrated Science.

  • Organized an excellent award for hundred pupils covering Freetown (western area and western rural), Bo and PortLoko districts .

  • Provided training for teachers in selected schools on some documents around the Education Act of 2004 as amended in 2022, Teachers Code of Conduct, Education Sector Plan 2022, the Strategy for Out -School Going Children including other education related policies and guidelines.

  • Strengthened School Health Clubs, and some school structures such as Guidance Counseling unit, the School Management Committee(S M C).

The school building is being used for extra -curricular activities such as quiz competition, debates, concerts and academic events
The school building and the hall including the water facility is benig used for other social events such as community meetings, weddings and trainings.
The erection of the school in that community has created jobs for Teachers who otherwise would have been unemployed by now.
Women do sell food, other sell stationery items to pupils in the school. In this way the women are able to earn their living. Hence, the establishment of the school in that community is serving as a source of livelihood for those women.
Parents, guidance and other care givers within the community now save some money from transportation as the school is located within their community wherein they would not have to bear high transport cost for their children to go to school.

  • Lack of funds to complete the school building
  • Most of the school pupils feel shy in attending a school that has a dilapidated building and parents alike feel uncomfortable to send their children to such schools.
  • Most trained and qualified teachers refuse to teach in community schools more especially when the school building is not completed and furnish

Lesson Learnt

Most community stakeholders have the willingness for the establishment of community development infrastructures such as roads, schools, health facilities, water facilities, markets, recreational facilities and many more to be in their communities, but do not have control over the use of certain facilities in there communities .
