
Rehabilitated hand-dug well by ACDE-SL


  • Conducted needs assessment in various communities where we work. During the assessment, some community members requested that they need health facilities, water, schools, roads, improved sanitary conditions, agriculture.
  • Held community engagement with the people of Jalloh Terrace, Kuntorlor community in Wellington East end of Freetown. Present in the engagement meeting were the Community head (Section Chief), members of the clergy (Pastors and Imams), community elders, household heads, women’s leaders, young men and women, youths,school pupils/students, teachers, traders of various types, and many more.
  • Supported the rehabilitation of a hand-dug well that serves the following communities Brima Lane, Upper and Lower Jalloh Terrace, Kuntorlor, and part of Thunder Hill in theeast endof Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone. Approximately, 3000 thousand people benefit from the rehabilitated hand-dug well by using the water for domestic use.
  • Supported the community in ensuring proper management of the water facility ( hand-dug well)
  • Supported the construction of a water kiosk in one of the schools we work in Kendeyella Community in Bo municipally, Bo District.
  • Mobilise youths of Jalloh Terrace community, Wellington, East-end of Freetown to clean drainages, gutters, streams, and dustbins which serve as breeding grounds for water and airborne diseases suchas malaria, typhoid fever, cholera, cough, eye disease ,etc.

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With the intervention of ACDE-SL, the following Economic impactsare actualized

  • During the dries most people in some communities in the East end of Freetown do buy water. With the rehabilitation of the hand-dug well Brima Lane, Upper and Lower Jalloh Terrace, Kuntorlor, and part of Thunder Hill communities are served with water at low cost.
  • Employment is created as a community member is employed to manage the facility.

There is increased access to water as a result of the intervention of ACDE-SL


During the needs assessment coupled with the community engagement,the following were put forward as challenges faced by some of the communities

  • Lack of funds
  • Poor road network
  • Lack of community health facilities
  • Lack of proper water facilities
  • Poor school structures
  • Poor sanitary conditions